Veterinary Treatment Outreach for Urban Community Health: A University of Minnesota Veterinary Student Club

VeTouch clinics are appointment-only. Due to extremely high demand, VeTouch books appointments 2 months out. Our appointment request form (available over email: [email protected]) opens the morning after our monthly clinic. When we are at capacity we do not accept any new appointment requests.
Dates: Clinics are the first Sunday of every month (variable on holidays)
Our Clinic
VeTouch is a volunteer-based, non-profit veterinary student club that hosts a monthly vaccine clinic for pets of Twin Cities residents receiving low/no income or experiencing houselessness. The veterinary students examine the pets under the supervision of veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
We provide physical exams, rabies and distemper vaccines, and flea/tick/heartworm preventatives for no cost.
Since we only have 1 clinic per month and are not a full-service veterinary clinic, we are unable to see sick pets or pets with serious veterinary conditions.
We are an appointment-only clinic. To schedule an appointment please email [email protected].
Our Policies
Maximum of 2 pets per owner at one clinic.
Pets must be on a leash or in a carrier.
Animals older than 1 year must be spayed or neutered after their first visit to VeTouch to be seen a second time.
We will not accommodate pets that are used for breeding, and will not accommodate their litters of puppies/kittens
To qualify for VeTouch services, clients need to be receiving some form of public assistance. Options for qualification include:
Food Stamps
Currently unhoused
Free or Reduced Lunch Program
HUD Section 8 Housing
Major V. A. Disability
Medical Assistance
Minnesota Care
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
A family of four making under $40,000 per year